Wednesday, October 3, 2012


After a FEW suggestions, I've finally decide to dedicate a little bit of my "free" time to document my projects, my ramblings, and a few things that I find interesting.  I will also be showing you how I did specific projects and doing some tutorials, because EVERYONE loves a tutorial! Right!?

Let's get right to it! Yay!

So, let's just get to the point here and be real with one another.  I'm a dumpster diver.  I openly admit it.  I'm not sure at what point in my life I decided this was a good idea, but I must say I'm pleased with most of the treasures that I've dug up!  My husband is NOT so fond of my "embarassing' behavior, but he stops complaining once he sees that I'm saving/making him a chunk of change (cha ching!) AND making some pretty impressive stuff!  So with that said, here's a little treasure I found on a curb!  It just so happened I was going to build myself a real workbench last weekend so when I spotted this, my mind started racing and I barely had the car in park before jumping out!

Check out this beaut!
Now let me first say, this thing is HEAVY!  I loaded this baby up in my Tahoe by myself and it was very comical I'm sure, but it was MINE and I wasn't leaving it!  It's a tad warped on the sides, but WHO CARES!?  I'm saving approximately $115 by finding this thing!  This is what I call a "SCORE!".
So with a little bit of tender loving care, I sanded and primed it and found some plywood at Home Depot (HD) for about $25 (for a 4' X 8' 1/2" thick) which I have nearly half of that left for later projects!  Yay!  HD even cuts your board for you!  I consider myself an honorary customer there.  It's like my Cheers... where everybody knows my name! :) 

Me and my pal "Sandy"

The piece had 2 drawer holes, but I don't do drawers very well with my hoarder tendencies so I opted to make that side the "back" side!  I then painted the bench in Lagoon by Rustoleum (2 cans worked out perfectly) and coated it with some Polyurethane.  No problem!  For the top board I adhered it with Liquid Nails and stained it with a dark stain I had on hand!  I LOVE how it turned out!

Heck yeah!  Lookin' goood!
Finally I added two coats of Polyurethane (sanding in between with a 400 grit) and I was done!! Yesss!
What do you think?!
I painted the pegboard with some wall color I had on hand and am torn between painting polka dots or chevron stripes on it in white!  Which do you think would look the cutest?
This concludes my first post (whew!) and I hope you'll join me for what's next to come!  Please feel free to ask me about any products or what nots that I use and I'll dig them up and let you know!
Over and Out!

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